Rocket and sunflower seed spread


Preparation time: 5 min.
Cooking or baking time: 5 min.
Total preparation time: 10 min.

To make delicious spread, is also not quite as fresh product. Here is a delicious recipe for a rocket and sunflower seed spread (dip, pesto).

If you go to market shortly before the end of the day, you will often be thrown into large quantities of fruit or vegetables. So it happens that you actually only need a bunch of arugula, but suddenly you have 8 frets for the price of two in your pocket.

So much you can not eat all at once and unfortunately the rocket was also at the end of the market day is no longer dewy.

It's best to wash the rocket right away, let it sit in the water for a while, then relax and wrap what you're going to consume into a kitchen towel and put it in the fridge. Pour the remainder portionwise into freezer bags or cans and into the freezer.


  • 1 bunch of rocket, approx. 50 g
  • 50 g sunflower seeds, 3 tbsp
  • 50 ml of water
  • Salt and other spices
  • Herbs to taste


  1. Roast sunflower seeds in a frying pan without fat.
  2. Fill the sunflower seeds, water, rocket into the blender and mix until a homogeneous mixture has formed. Possibly. Add more water.
  3. Season with salt, if necessary add a clove of garlic, mix some onion. Finished.

The finished mass is nice creamy, but has less fat than Halbfettmargarine :-). Can you spread good on butter instead of butter?

Sunflower seeds contain valuable protein. (You can read that on the package).

Also suitable as a dip, but then mix in more water and spices.

You can also give it over noodle instead of pesto, then you best mix grated cheese.

Growing Sunflower Seeds | May 2024