Reuse bubble wrap

I often buy on eBay and then I get sent things that come in bubble wrap envelopes. I always keep these envelopes and other packaging materials.

In the last couple of years I've had to move more often (I live in the US) and have always packed everything myself. Since I have a lot of vases and glass things that should not break, I used those envelopes again, and packed all my glass things in them.

I cut open the envelopes on the sides and then packed the jars with them. Even if you have pictures that are under glass, you can put all the envelopes in between. Also it helps to attach the envelopes to the corners of picture frames so they will not be repelled. Cut the envelopes on one side and put them over the corner.

If you have to move in the cold winter, then you can also use these envelopes to protect plants from the cold. To do this, you cut several envelopes and make a large bag or pouch out and then you put the potted plants in. This protects against cold wind and generally against the cold.

Now I have to build a small barn in which I want to pick up my garden tools. However, it gets either very hot in there or very cold. Since I also want to use the barn for woodworking, and now I have so much bubble wrap - and a few rolls - I'll put it between the inner and outer walls to isolate. Right next to it comes a dog kennel, since I have 4 dogs, and I will isolate them with it.

Let me know what you think about it. In any case, there is less plastic in the trash and it does yet another service that spares or isolates things.

In the picture, I only show different packaging material that can be used further.

New Amazing DIY Bubble wrapper Craft idea | Best out of waste | Artkala 522 | May 2024