Baked bacon dumplings

After so many comments - I have to re-enter the recipe. Time consuming, calorie bomb, but if you are not sensitive to fat is a specialty that you rarely get.

DOUGH - for many guests or large family (please modify as needed)

3000 g (3 kg) boil MILKy potato in salted water. Peel still hot. You can not make potato dough with bacon, salads or whatever they are called. Also no mashed potatoes.

The soft-boiled, still hot potatoes are prepared as for a mashed potatoes (passed, crushed with a potato masher, if necessary, if not available, you can even take a meat tenderizer to crush). Potato press also a possibility. "Fleet Lotte" also suitable for passing. In Austria, the fleet Lotte is also used to puree various vegetables or fruits. In any case, the potato must not be friable.

Put the crushed or crushed or whatever prepared potato on a floured board. Wood or Resopal or other plastic surface. In any case, the original - which is already old enough - is prepared on a wooden board, the dumplings were baked in a wood oven. Who has that?

To the pressed potatoes give CIRKA 2 cups SMOOTH flour (about 250 ml per cup). CIRKA because the amount of flour depends on the moisture content of the potatoes. Also mehlig variety can be different floury. Potato and flour are kneaded together (WITHOUT egg and WITHOUT fat) to a smooth dough. To knead, moisten the hands with cold water again and again, but be careful not to have too much water on the hands, just damp, not dripping wet.

From the dough you form a 4 cm thick roll. From this roll you then cut slices, about 12 mm wide. Place the dough slices in the palm of the hand, push it slightly apart and pour in the fullness. A runner full. About one EL. Can not really be said exactly. Depends also on the skill of the "preparer".

Ideally, the fullness was already done the day before. So you just have to worry more about the dough. It is also good if bacon, sausage and spices can go through.

IMPORTANT FORWARD - do not forget to preheat the oven to 160 degrees in time.

Approximately shown:
1 1/2 kg of bacon sauce (hamburger bacon) Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to get the bacon directly from the farmhouse bacon.

But there is the hamburger bacon or another pork belly. Ask butcher, which bacon is best for dumplings. There's also bacon, which is not as tough as bacon.

(Belly or bacon is the piece of pork, from which one makes the cumin roast with the crispy rind).

Cut the bacon into slices of about 4mm thickness at the butcher's shop or at the meat stall in the supermarket. This is a big workload.

You also need a spicy house sausage (for example Braunschweiger) to mix the fullness. Approximately 300 g of it.

In Austria, there is the so-called "drought". Is a very hearty, tasty sausage, which is also heavily smoked. Will be offered by the Hofer (in D Aldi). Is a Kranzlwurst with very dark brown skin, about 4 cm in diameter). (So ​​called smoke drought and not as falsely referred to in a critical commentary, RauchDÜNNE).

Furthermore you need:
2 medium-sized tubers onions (with yellow skin), finely chopped
3 - 4 cloves of garlic (finely sliced)

Cut the bacon and sausage finely into slices and season with the finely chopped onion and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Put in a large bowl and let it pass through covered.

If you do not have time the day before, you can, of course, also prepare the fullness on the same day.

Now the potato dough slices on the palm of the hand are shaped so that you can put in the fullness. It is important to squeeze well, close open areas (repeatedly over dough if necessary) and then mold with damp (cold water) hands. Squeeze well, there should be no air between fullness and dough.

The shape, whether this is now called baking pan, frying pan, glass bowl or whatever, anyway, this thing, which is already smeared with lard or other grease, into the pipe and the handles will of course, what miracle, there too hot. In Austria, this device is called frying pan. So a form in which you can roast or bake something in the oven (roasting tube).

The stuffed dumplings are now placed in this greased form, one next to the other, whether that is now plain or layered or whatever is called D. You put one dumpling next to the other. Who knows steamed noodles (with us Buchteln), knows what that looks like. If you put the dumplings in the pan, please brush over a bubbly egg (including egg white) with a brush.

You have to count on 1 3/4 hours of baking time. Please look, you can never say so accurately.Anyway, the dumplings take on a nice golden brown color. If this is the case, pour some milk into the indentations from the edge. And now - again for about 1/4 hour in the pipe. And then done. Best set with the pan at the table. Looks decorative and anyone can take what he wants. VERY EXTENSIVE. Calories are hushed up. After a clear schnapps in honor nobody can deny.

Ideal side dish - warm coleslaw with roasted bacon cubes, cold coleslaw or whatever. Tasting does any salad, original would be the hot cabbage salad. Of course, you can also sauerkraut to eat.

And this variant can be modified to Grammelknödel (in the meantime taught a better, is called in Germany GRIEBEN).

But - I still want to add a question to this recipe. Why is there so much evil in the comments? We preach tolerance and criticize ourselves in an unqualified way! Nevertheless, there were also many nice comments that have comforted me.

Cheater Pierogi - Potato & Cheese Dumplings with Bacon and Onions | May 2024