Razor blades hold superlange: blades sharpen with jeans

Razor blades are super-long with this tip!

And finally, I have a tip for you, the

a) guaranteed to work
b) also saves real money

So: I'm always annoyed about the unnecessarily high prices of razor blades (you know, with the three blades .... Pack of eight proud 18 euros nochwas,).

Now I finally found out how to keep the blade (s) sharp for a long time. And indeed: tatatataaaa! very easy:

Sharpen the razor after about 3 shaves over an old pair of jeans. 30 times in one, then 30 times in the other direction with some pressure.

I've been doing this for over half a year with the same blade - it works flawlessly.

How To Shave With A Straight Razor | May 2024