Painting cloth bags for the kindergarten

When we bring our child to the day care center, there is a lot of "luggage" for crib children: diapers, sleeping clothes, many change clothes, weather clothing and even more change things.

When packing and giving away children's things, I have a "plastic bag lock". That's what I internalized at the time of my elders' nativity because plastic bags were strictly forbidden because of the danger of suffocation. Only bags that were smaller than a child's head could be used for dirty laundry.

That's how it started: every time I got my hands on a "blank-cloth bag", it was painted with fabric paints.

Fabric paints are available in different variants: color pens, where the paint is applied with a brush or as a pen. Depending on which painting technique you like more, you can decide. If you can handle both techniques well, you can use both together.

The Mickey Mouse, I have painted with pencils, Bob the Builder was conjured by my daughter in the ergotherapy with potato stamps on the bag. Then the name of the child written on it and any confusion is impossible.

Such a cloth bag is also a super gift if your kindergartner is invited to his first child's birthday. For example, filled with some sand toys, it is both gift and packaging.

If you can not paint so well, there are COPIER STIFTS in the craft shop. Use this pen to align your motif with normal paper and then iron the outline of the paper onto the fabric. Then it is ready for coloring.

Have fun, now you can say: "That's not in my bag".

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