Dogs in the big city

According to estimates by the Berlin Environmental Protection Agency, about 55 tons of dog feces are falling on Berlin's streets, squares, sidewalks and green areas every day. A number that I thought was grossly exaggerated at first hearing. But with a little mathematics is a fact of it: Produced each of the approximately 100,000 registered in Berlin dogs daily a good pound, the 55,000 kilos come together quickly. For every pug who can only make half a pound, there is a Great Dane who will "loose" the kilo. When, in autumn, the orange-clad employees of the BSR march through the streets with their leaf blowers, the dried dog waste is pulverized into fine dust and inhaled by us. Not appetizing, but fact.

? Dog feces? is official talk. The Berliner in itself likes to call things by their name and turns the medically-worded term into what it is: dog shit. It is so omnipresent in Berlin that as a longtime resident a kind of radar is developed for it. To develop, you do not want to constantly step into a fresh dog pile. The dogs can not help it, they just follow the call of nature. No, it is the dog owners who are happy to leave behind the legacies of their four-legged friends in spite of all public drop-bag dispensers. And this is just one of many occasions that causes trouble between dog owners and dogless residents.

A dog's life?

With a few exceptions, for example the extensive villa properties on the Wannsee or the houses with a garden in the nearby bacon belt, a city like Berlin is extremely dog-friendly. Car exhaust and noise are already stressful for humans. For the much more sensitive sensory organs of a dog, they must be hell. Narrow apartments, asphalt, underground stairs, Leinenzwang and muzzle in public transport can give a sensitive dog soul then the rest.

Nevertheless, many dogs in Berlin seem to be doing very well at first glance. That may be because a dog in Berlin has much more contact with other dogs than a dog in the country. Either because he meets her while she is going for a walk or sniffs her scent brand. Where, if not in a city park, can a bitch in heat meet such an overwhelming number of highly interested males?

Besides, a Berlin tourist with a dog from my fiancé recently said that there are so many rats in Berlin. His dog was on a walk on the banks of the Landwehr Canal before hunting luck outright freaked out. They definitely want to come back at the next opportunity. Also an argument.

As a non-dog, I find it difficult to assess the actual quality of a dog's life in the big city. There are farm dogs, which are certainly worse off in their kennel alone. If the dog language will one day be decoded (which researchers work hard on), we know more. Until then: Wow! Or maybe it's called Wow?

Dogs against anonymity

A not to be underestimated positive aspect of a dog is social in nature. Many dog ​​owners do not know their nearest neighbors, but instead the name of the owner of Mischling Charlie, who lives two streets away. If you have a dog, you must go with it several times a day. This inevitably creates contacts with other dog owners. Be it because the lines get tangled up, Waldi desperately wants to climb Flocke or two males fight for the most sought-after peephole tree. There are discussions about the dogs, which at best develop conversations about the people at the other end of the dog leash. For four weeks, I took over the dog sitter job for a friend who left alone for four weeks. At the end of the month, I had closed a good dozen acquaintances, which would never have happened without the boxer Gonzo. Thanks, Gonzo!

The pros and cons

The impetus for this contribution was a conversation with a friendly couple. They live with two children in the day care at Prenzlauer Berg and play with the idea to buy a dog. We sat down with them and collected the pros and cons arguments. Maybe they can be a decision-making tool for one or the other of you.

Per dog

A dog?

  • "shows the children what responsibility means
  • ? guarantees outdoor stays in all weather conditions
  • ? gives security in dangerous situations (darkness, parks etc.)
  • ? can be a soul comforter
  • is a playmate
  • Animated to more movement
  • creates social contacts
  • ?belongs to the family

Contra dog

A dog?

  • ? costs money (dog tax, food, veterinarian, etc.)
  • makes traveling difficult (dog boarding or only certain destinations)
  • "Muck, both inside and out
  • • makes it difficult to find a flat
  • ? takes a lot of time and attention
  • ? also has to be? dog weather? Go for a walk
  • makes a noise (if it's a barker)

The mood of our friends, which was still quite euphoric at the beginning of the conversation, was somewhat subdued after collecting these points.Maybe they would rather opt for a goldfish. Or a third child? We are curious. Buy now vitazoo Premium dog leash in black, solid and adjustable in 3 lengths - for large and strong H? vitazoo Premium dog leash in black, solid and adjustable in 3 lengths - for large and strong H? 13,99 ?

BIG CITY DOGS | May 2024