Alka Seltzer is the helper

Who does not know it? It was a wet and cheerful evening. Since the alcohol plays such a nasty, unfortunately, one thinks not a little to the next day, as one feels after 6l beer, a few shortcuts and a pint of sparkling wine.

But where you should definitely remember before you go to bed: 2 Alka Seltzer (freely available from the pharmacy) dissolve in plenty of water - and away with it (as with the beer). Then take another bottle of water that will tip over and then sleep.

It should not be that bad the next morning. If so, drink a lot, take a shower, eat something, brush your teeth and off you go. Then the next party can come again on the same evening :-)

Kevin Delaney and Jimmy Fallon Launch 1,000 Alka-Seltzer Rockets | May 2024