Dishwasher - Tab does not dissolve

Safely use a dishwasher without a "flap": This tip is about avoiding leftovers of dishwashing powder or powder in the "flap", which will not clean the dishes properly.

I already have my second dishwasher and again and again I had (had) the problem that the Geschirrspültab that I give in the flap, not clever dissolves. Sometimes he falls in, sometimes not. Often a large amount of residue remains in the flap. Result: Rinse was free, so start again and hope that it works better next time.

Sometimes I helped and scraped out the powder or half-dissolved tab after the machine was turned on. You have to know: The flap opens shortly after the first pre-rinse has passed (after a few minutes). Then you go, hot water should now flush around the now lying flushing flap and so dissolve the detergent. The whole thing is really a matter of luck, whether it works or not. A nuisance!

I have tried it now with the much cheaper powder, works quite well but not really better. There remains powder on the container. The basic problem is the container, the engineer thinks. I read some hints here at that you should fill a tea-egg with powder and put it in the pot. Not so bad the idea, I thought to myself. But I took a paper tea filter and filled in an EL powder because I do not have such an egg. The tea filter I closed with a plastic clip, as used for freezer bags. Put the whole thing in the middle of the upper rinsing compartment between the cups and start the machine.

The result was amazing: The powder dissolves completely during the wash cycle, but not too early during the pre-wash cycle. It foamed nicely when I looked in the middle of the cleaning process. The dishes were wonderfully clean and I mean, so you can even save dishwashing. Because it can look reliable and you do not need any tabs at all. Can I only recommend to all, where remainders in the Spülmittelfach remain! But also otherwise, it simply dissolves more reliably and the dishes are guaranteed to be clean.

Editor's tip:

If you want to create reliable all-in-one dishwasher tablets, we can recommend the following offer »110 All in 1 Tabs-Sparpack

Dishwasher detergent not dissolving, dishwasher not cleaning dishes | May 2024