Baked cheese and ham sandwiches

Ingredients: 6-8 bun dough pieces (these are the rolls as pale as Michael Jackson); a cup of sour cream (150ml); about 150 g cooked ham or smoked ham; about 250g sliced ​​cheese (Gouda, Edamer, etc.)

Preparation: cut the cheese into small pieces (or use finished pizza cheese), cut the ham into small pieces (or use ready-made ham cubes), stir the whole with the sour cream into a bowl, stir vigorously and gradually add water until one good spreadable consistency results.

Halve the dough pieces and coat the cut surface (not the whole bread roll!) With the mass. Do not come too close to the edge of the roll, but leave about 1 cm free. Then at about 190 degrees in the preheated oven (convection 170 degrees) on rust or baking sheet on middle rail at top and bottom heat. After a quarter of an hour every five minutes, check whether the topping is golden yellow to slightly brownish or the rolls are golden brown (whichever comes first). Please always place baking paper under the grate in the oven, as the melting cheese sometimes drips down despite the safety edge. Otherwise see heading "How do I get a nasty stove clean again" ;-)

The Best Grilled Ham and Cheese Ever | SAM THE COOKING GUY | May 2024