What you should have at home

When the month comes to an end and your wallet gets thinner and thinner, you often find out what you're supposed to need to "survive".

It's good when you have the bare necessities at home.

Therefore, pay attention to the following during your purchases:

First: spices! Sure, you should have a certain range in the house. I also planted on my balcony a planter with herbs from the supermarket. That was a one-time purchase of about 20 euros including box, soil and plants. Better, you put the pot spices in a box, so they do not dry up so fast, if you forget the casting.

For each salad, for each roast you need spices, so the box has amortized after two months at the latest.

You should have flour at home, either for baking or for sauces (Sc. Bechamel, which makes a vegetable lasagne a poem).
Furthermore, dry yeast, sugar, oil and vinegar, mustard, two cups of cream, a cup of sour cream or sour cream and, if possible, eggs, onions and possibly for singles one kilo of potatoes.

Pasta and tomato paste (who knows?) And rice a few quarts of milk and a pound of butter in reserve.

If you have a freezer, you should calculate about 8 meals a month with meat and buy accordingly. The most variable uses are pork schnitzel, minced meat and turkey breast. But fish fillets (UNPANIERT) give a great change, do not cost much and can be great freeze.

Otherwise, stock the deep-freeze with various kinds of Genuses - broccoli for great pasta dishes, cauliflower for gratins or soups, brussels sprouts or red cabbage as side dishes.

These are mostly kilo packs, they cost little, they are - important for lazybones - already cleaned and bite-sized.
This way, the most beautiful dishes can be created with little money and there is still a bit left for fresh vegetables and fruits. What you do not need are POMMES, PIZZEN, FERTIGLASAGNEN, you do not need MAGGI or KNORRFIX, because you actually have everything in the house. A monthly purchase of this magnitude is about 60 €, with another 80-100 € you can get comfortable with fresh purchases.

But as I said, that should be food that you should have at home, that makes it cheaper, on the other hand, you also have something in the house, if you do not feel like shopping.

7 Items Every Home Should Have - How to House - HGTV | May 2024