Traditional damson latergies


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking or baking time: 1 hr.
Rest period: 15 min.
Total preparation time: 1 hour 35 minutes

Here is a recipe from my grandmother. I cook my plums mostly after this great recipe and get a very aromatic "plum". Latwerge is also known under the name Leckschmiere.

Normally, the fruit used to be gathered from the neighborhood and the women cooked it in a copper kettle in the laundry room or on a wood fire in the garden. However, even in such quantities that the whole village leaked until the next season. In the old days, the latergge was kept in stoneware pots, but today I take screw jars. Since the fruits sink in very strongly and the fructose is strongly concentrated, you do not need extra sugar for preparation and preservation. If you still want to add sugar, you should take 10% of the plum quantity.

For Grandma's recipe you need:

  • 1000 g plums
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon gingerbread spice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 pinch of anise, ground
  • and, depending on your taste, 100 g of sugar
  • clean glasses with screw cap / jars
  • a large pot of cast iron


The plums are washed and pitted and put into the pot together with the cinnamon stick. For 10 minutes, the pot is covered with a lid, then it is removed and not used! The plums must NOT be stirred, otherwise the mus will burn / stick. On medium heat, the Mus must now thicken. This can take a while...

Anyone who has the oven in use can also prepare the plate in the oven. Lasts about 1 hour (depending on the water content of the fruit) at 180 ° C. When the mush has become very dark and stiff, the stove / oven is switched off and the spices are added - let it draw for 10 minutes. Now remove the cinnamon stick and now you can stir the plate and immediately put in clean and dry glasses with screw cap. Now turn the glasses upside down for 5 minutes and the culinary delight is ready.

Since this mus is very thickened and the sugar of the fruits is thus concentrated, I add no sugar. If that's not sweet enough, you can of course add sugar, but only shortly before the end of the cooking time. Is really a delicious affair!

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