Suddenly more light

The other day I was completely surprised and totally unexpected: I can not see anything in the hut anymore. Satisfying advice seems pecuniary challenging.

"What should you do there?" I racked my cerebral cortex, cleaned the windows, opened the curtains, but nothing improved the overall situation. But there came the realization like a flash From a cloudy sky: late in the evening, the average amount of light entering the apartment from the outside seems to decrease monotonously with the passing time of day.

Shocking! I threw in a few globules and went to the needle studio for acupuncture. Since I had read the sign (that was the dark thing again) and so on, I came home with a manicure more and still not healed.

There I stumbled gently about the accumulation of my unwashed laundry (the alleged experts in the FragPappa forum had still not diagnosed me by remote diagnosis the reason for the untwisted faucet) right in Morpheus' arms.

In the dream a light appeared to me and it said: "do not be afraid, go to the hardware store of your least mistrust and buy a stronger light bulb!" Said, done (before even got up)! The compassionate employee of the market was noticeably irritated by my impertinent insistence on an incandescent (luminescent) medium and asked me to update my dream:

Light bulbs are out. LEDs would be the last thing. I did not care. I bought the thing and brought it home. Did not bring anything! Luckily, a friend of meat vendors advised me to thread the part into a socket. Good tipI would like to pass on to you.

And what can I say: Since then, I can read the leaflets of my medication properly, and I'm feeling dirty as never before.

And the moral of the story: "At night it is darker than outside", "Who dreams longer, sleeps longer" and "texts over 100 words are usually not completely read". Please stay in discussing the tip factual and not everything is so negative. I really put a lot of work into this text and the knowledge really helped me a lot (my neighbor and her golden hamster too - he used to do a lot of cycling) and then it has to be true!)

And suddenly you see more even at night and in low light | May 2024