Snails catch with rinse water

Anyone who has a garden, likes to eat his own salad if possible and also wants to admire his flowers longer than on the day of planting, knows the constant battle against the slugs.

There are several remedies against it, but more or less agree with me. I do not want poison because of our cats (no matter what is on the pack), sprinkle salt on it and split with the scissors is disgusting, the beer trap attracts the snails from neighbor's garden in addition and collect and carry away makes no sense because the critters then happy continue to breed and haunt the garden for the next seventeen generations ...

So what to do?

I once read in some aquarium forum (when I was looking for some other information) that the aquarium needs to be rinsed out with the utmost care after cleaning, as even the smallest rinses kill the snails immediately ... And that's when the bell rang. What works with small snails, must also go with big ...

I waited for the next slug invasion, filled a bucket with warm water, a few drops of rinse and went hunting with my old barbecue tongs. The snails immediately went into the bucket, they sank and did not move anymore. When I could find no more snails, I emptied the bucket at the edge of the field.

So my garden remains relatively snail-free for years, the matter is fast, clean and cheap.

Assassin Snail - hunting, killing, and eating. | May 2024