Sleeping despite the summer heat

Who does not know that? During the day you can enjoy the summer and at night you can not fall asleep because of the heat. Even more, if you possibly hit with a penthouse.

Shortly before going to bed under the lukewarm shower and the shower gel with a few drops of JHP (Japanese medicinal oil) or China oil - there's in the pharmacy - mix. You can also mix it into the shampoo, then you have a cool head about it, but beware that nothing comes into your eyes!

If you've done it right, you'll shiver out of the shower and even cuddle up in the blanket despite the summer heat. Falling asleep should not be a problem anymore.

Allergy sufferers should first test the whole thing in a small spot, but the oil is actually very compatible and you really only need a few drops.

How to get good sleep in summer | May 2024