PET bottles as cheap shoe trees

Instead of the shoe trees that you can buy in the shoe store, you can simply use PET bottles and put them in your shoes.

Aldi or Lidl beer bottles fit well with the rounded bottom in men's shoes. After emptying screw cap back on it. Push the bottle neck forwards into the shoe. Fits. So the shoe stays in shape and you can not have more fun when shoeing.

(6 bottles of beer ~ as expensive as 6 shoe trees)

This prevents creases (of course not the creases). The color of the bottles can be adjusted to the shoes.

I have cut out of carton cardboard (using a previously determined cut pattern) still flat trapezoidal cardboard pieces (trapezoidal base about 15 cm, trapezoidal height 15-18 cm trapezoidal width above about 10 cm). One shoe is inserted in advance for each shoe and then stabilized with a PET bottle.

This, similar to newspaper, ensures that moisture in the shoe (not wet shoes) disappears. The cardboard pieces can be easily replaced by new ones if they smell.

The factory in India making shoes out of plastic bottles - BBC News | May 2024