Make a glitter bottle for children

Making such a bottle is easy: when you shake it and put it back, you can watch the little particles that are in it, and you dive into a little glittering world. When kids watch what happens inside, it's interesting because some particles are sinking and some are going up. At the same time, it also has a calming effect.

You can do beads, marbles, sprinkles (eg small colorful stars or hearts), water pearls - Aqualinos (beautiful are colored ones), glitter, thinly cut strips of any foil packaging, tiny bits of drinking straws ... of the imagination there are no limits.

The bottle (of juice or milk) is well cleaned and almost filled with water. If you add water pearls, you should fill the bottle only after the addition of the beads, because they also need space. The water pearls also prevent the particles from completely sinking, which also looks great. Then add all the other particles and try if you like it. Otherwise, it can still be dosed after.

It makes sense to stick the lid of the bottle so that children can not open it.

Also for seniors I think this bottle is great. It causes her to be shaken and watched again and again. Also in this case stick the lid!

If the bottle is no longer needed, pour the liquid through a sieve and put the solid ingredients in the residual waste.

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