Maintain the brewing unit of the coffee machine

I own for many years a Saeco coffee machine, which has a removable brewing unit. You actually have to maintain this with special fat, which is very expensive.

Now it is relatively expensive and not always better than other products, I immediately read and talked to other owners of such machines.

There were several alternatives, I reached for Vaseline and have been taking care of my machine for more than 3 years and it still runs like "lubricated".

A tube of vaseline (pharmacist quality) of 100 ml costs no more than 2 euros. The special grease from the manufacturer 10 Euro for 20 g.

I still have the first tube of Vaseline and there are still about 30% in it.

Maybe someone here is looking for such an alternative product for the care of the brewing unit.

How to clean your Saeco brew unit | May 2024