In case of sunburn fast cooling by aloe vera

Every year again? Not only for Christmas or the Oktoberfest, but also for the sunburn. Once all good resolutions have been made again in the sea sand, the aloe vera gel ensures cooling and relieves the pain. It is well cared for who raises the stemless succulents themselves or stores individual leaves in stock via internet trading. When going to the pharmacy, the health food store or the discount store, it is worth taking a look at the ingredients of the processed product.

Aloe vera as a home remedy for sunburn

The Aloe Vera has its origin in South Africa. Meanwhile, it is bred around the world, as it is the basis for many preparations in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Their juice contains anti-inflammatory saponins, antimicrobial anthraquinones, vitamins C and E, salicylic acid and minerals. As a drug or as a remedy in the sense of the drug law, the juice of the? Desert lily? however, can not be seen.

Nevertheless, aloe vera is high on the list of home remedies for sunburn. The moisturizing gel is applied several times a day to the previously cleansed skin. Who has a plant tangible, be it at home or along the way in the resort, cuts off the outer, oldest leaf with a clean knife, halves it in length and rubs the sunburn with the gelatinous side. Larger leaves can be peeled. The marrow is now crushed with a fork. The remains should, however, be kept in the refrigerator, cut leaves at least get a shade.

Plant Aloe Vera at home

If you want to cultivate Aloe Vera at home, you have a modest roommate with her. She wants to be watered once or twice a month, she can do without fertilizer. Light and warmth do her good, but watch out for too much blazing sun: the power of the leaves then decays quickly and they turn brown. In winter you should not fall below 5 ° C. If she has found a good place, she throws off after a few years offshoot. From the third year the juice of Aloe Vera unfolds its full effect.

Products with aloe vera

Anyone who prefers to buy an aloe gel in the tube, a cream or a spray to alleviate the sunburn will also find it in pharmacies, in health food stores, drugstores or discounters. The manufacturers have the task of transferring the beneficial agents from the fresh leaf into the finished product. This is not easy, because depending on the process, ingredients can be lost during harvesting, storage and processing, rendering the product ineffective.

For example, a label containing? 98 percent aloe vera? advertises, says nothing about the production. We do not find out whether the leaf gel was freshly processed or first dried, then pulverized and later mixed again with water. Is the addition? Water? or? aqua? declared, it is an extract. Additives and preservatives should not be included in the products.

As a general rule, drink plenty of sunburn to make up for the loss of moisture in your cells. If the pain is very strong or there is a fever, then only one thing helps: From the doctor.

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