Help with torn corners of the mouth (rhagades)

I'm suffering a lot under the torn corners of my mouth again. Now I have found a great help.

I mix a teaspoon of dried sage with a tablespoon of flower mixture. The whole is poured over with boiling water and has to draw for 10 minutes. Then you take a cotton swab, dunk it and give this tea every 10 minutes to the inflamed areas. The about 2-3 hours in a row. I did that on television in the evening. For me, after 2 days already a page was fine again.

Cut the sage in summer or autumn and dry it in the oven. (50 degrees about 1 hour with the door slightly open, eg a wooden spoon between them). Then fill in well closable glasses. The same drying procedure for the flower mixture. 1 handful of rose petals, 1 handful of marigolds, about 10 daisies, lavender, oregano flowers and lemon balm flowers.

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