

  • 2 teams
  • 1 beer bottle per. person
  • 1 plastic bottle with liquid
  • 1 football

Both teams face each other about 30 meters away. The teams put their beer bottles on the floor in front of them. In the middle of the plastic bottle is placed. A team starts to hit the bottle with the ball like, does not matter. Once the bottle has been beaten, the opposing team has to run away and put the bottle back in, in time the other team has to drink their beer bottles as fast as possible. When the other team has set up the bottle and are back behind their beer bottle line, they call "Stop!". The opposing team must stop drinking and put the bottles down.

Now is thrown again: Throwing is always Alternating only Team 1 then Team 2. Won the team, which has drunk its first bottles: as evidence, it is placed on the floor.

Ps: If a flat falls over, it will be replaced with a new bottle.

Flunkybal ronde 1 | May 2024