Fire with battery and chewing gum paper

No lighter at hand, with only a battery and a piece of chewing gum paper you can make yourself a fire.

I have the trick of a friend, she showed it to me and I was amazed. All you need is a new battery and the aluminum paper from the chewing gum package.

In the pictures you can see it step by step

Step 1: Required material

You need a new battery and the aluminum paper of a chewing gum package.

Battery and aluminum paper of a chewing gum package

Step 2: Cut out the middle of the aluminum paper

Cut out thicker strip

Step 3: Fold the thicker paper strip (from the middle) once

Fold wider strip

Step 4: Cut out triangles

Cut out a little bit with a corner, so that two triangles are created (you only need 1 triangle)

Cut triangles

Step 5: A triangle and the battery

Triangle and battery

Step 6: make a fire

The lower part of the battery is placed on one corner and the other corner of the paper is held on the upper pole (of course the side with the aluminum foil, not the white one)

Battery placed on corner of Alupapier triangle

It then slowly starts to smoke, so you hold it down until sparks come up. It may take a few seconds for it to work

Smoke and sparks arise

I think it's good to know how to make a fire alternatively. Although I always have chewing gum, in the future I will probably pack a battery for every occasion, you never know when the next ice age is due, and with flints I'm probably not clear;)

Fire: AA battery and gum wrapper | May 2024