Dehumidify the car effectively

Wet car (interiors) at no charge effectively dehumidify with newspaper boxes.

Many will have experienced it already: Leakage, carelessness, frequent boarding with wet feet on short distances, etc., etc. - Conclusion: car is wet inside. When it has stood, the moisture spreads everywhere. You do not get the disc dry anymore, in winter it freezes from the inside.

Surely that happens because not everyone has a heated garage and just in the morning just drives into the garage to work and cuddles dry at the desk.


  • Masses of newspapers
  • Cartons in appropriate size
  • 1 warm place

It is important to have a lot of newspapers that are compressed into the boxes, i. The maximum amount in the box, preferably upright, that the newspapers look out the top and so much that they can not buckle or fall over. The cardboard should be easy to transport, possibly with tape on top reinforce. It should then be in a carton 5-10 kg of newspapers.

At least 2 filled boxes are needed. If there is water in the car at the bottom, you probably need 10 boxes. The boxes are then stored in a very warm room, z. B. a boiler room. If they have heated one day, better two, they should be bone dry. Then you take them into your car every day and change them the next day.

If the interior is really humid, it may be better to use a sturdy plastic box to keep the box from softening. You can also put several in the car at the same time, preferably overnight, and change again in the morning, then it's faster.

The system works in such a way that the paper in the boiler room gets warm and dry, in the car the paper gets cold and absorbs humidity. The humidity is reduced. As a result, the air constantly absorbs moisture from other places. When the paper is reheated, there is moisture in the boiler room again, where it is not a problem.

Through constant repetitions, you will slowly master the humidity in the car. The fogged or internally frozen panes are a thing of the past because the car is always dry. Already after the first application, you notice that something is happening and that it is getting noticeably better.

I wish you that you come easily through the winter.

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