Creaking floors

The problem of old and often fooling floors can be solved relatively easily. Bauschaum I think it rather not really suitable.

Here is my tip: creaky floors "de-crenellate".

First screw all boards or plates with Spax. Check where the beams are under the beds. If necessary, use a beam finder. Use 100 Spax that does not have the thread up to the head to allow the plates or boards to be tightened on the beam. If necessary, put a screw every 30 cm.

Now there are old floors where it does not really help. In houses from the 60s, often a concrete ceiling has been introduced. Then the beams were laid, and on it the boards were laid. At some point then put a chipboard or installation panels on it. And now that's moving somewhere.

Find out at which point you step if it knelt or quit. Since you drill a hole with 9.5 mm drill. Measure with a screwdriver or similar as deep it is down to the concrete. Eg 10.5cm. Take a 12mm diameter threaded rod and cut to 10.5cm in length. Deburr them at both ends.

At one end you make a slot for the screwdriver with a thin cutting disc. Now you can insert this screw in the 9.5 mm hole. In order for the thread to be firmly connected to the bottom, the hole should in no case be larger than 10 mm. With a screwdriver that's pretty easy. But only until the bolt just touches the ground below. Then adjust it with a hand screwdriver so that the cover rests satisfactorily without lifting the floor.

Do this wherever it seems necessary. If all bolts are set, it may be necessary to adjust one or the other bolt again. But this works 100% and is technically harmless. If small depressions remain, because the screw is a bit too short, simply fill in so that the hole impressions can not later be seen through a PVC or linoleum floor.

When laying laminate that is not visible. PVC flooring is rather recommended. If a spot should creak later, one or the other pin can easily be readjusted.

So, now have fun with the now no longer creaky ground.

How to Repair Squeaky Wood Floors | This Old House | June 2024