Clean wool carpet and remove stains from it

The reason why I googled this forum a few weeks ago at all was the loops made of light-colored wool, which is located in our entire upper floor. Although we almost never walk over it with shoes, the carpet has gotten a few ugly stains (tea, dirty water from window cleaning and venting radiators).

Unfortunately, I did not find anything here regarding the removal of these spots, but I found a way that I would like to pass on.

The problem with a wool rug is that you must not use harsh cleaning agents (because of the risk of fading) nor rub around (because otherwise matted). But because it does not go completely without it, I made something myself. That's what you need:

* Oxygen bleaching (is available in the washing powder department, the rest can be gradually into the white wash to "gray out")
* normal Spüli
* a simple sponge
* dry, absorbent, clean towels, preferably towels
* a brush with relatively hard, not too dense bristles, e.g. a vegetable burette made of coconut fiber

I poured 1.5 liters of oxygen bleach with 2 cups of hot water and dissolved. Then I added a quarter bucket of lukewarm water and a splash of rinse.

With a sponge, I applied the stuff on the spots, as punctually as possible (so not beyond the edge of the patch, this happens automatically), until the carpet was soaked.

Then I very carefully with an old, cleaned in the dishwasher coconut vegetable brush on the loops "shook". I did not really rub, but pressed the bristles into the material and then created vibrations. Sounds strange, I hope you know what I mean. Then I worked on the next spot and let it all work in the meantime.

After about 15 minutes of exposure, I threw clean, old towels on the stain and I stomped on it until the towel was wet and the carpet was reasonably dry.

With a newly scheduled cleaning solution, I have repeated the whole thing. In a third and fourth pass, I moistened the carpet only with lukewarm, clear water and "sucked dry" with a towel to get the soap out again.

There was a yellowish glow in the red-bush tea stains, but all the other stains were almost completely gone.

A week later we went with a rental carpet cleaning machine from the hardware store and the corresponding basic cleaning agent again on the entire Auslegeware.

Contrary to the instructions for use, we made the carpets pretty wet before vacuuming and left the product to work again for 15 to 30 minutes, but after 2 passes (or 3 on the stain areas) and two days of drying the carpet looked as good as new - if one disregards the mechanically worn (flattened / -sessenen) places.

It has been a lot of work, but it has finally saved us from having to lay a new ground. The cleaning agent used costs a few cents, the brush (which you later throw away better) just under 2 euros in the health food store and the rental of the carpet cleaning machine including cleaning agent no 50 euros. The latter corresponds to the purchase price for just under 1.5 square meters of carpet. So it was worth it :-)

Durango Rug Expert shows how to Spot Clean Wool Rugs | May 2024