Clean window frames easily with Klorix

You buy a bottle of Klorix and a Zersträuber. Then fill a quarter Klorix in the Zersträuber and fill it with water. Then spray in the frame and the soup goes down by itself.

Goes with bathtubs, sinks, cupboards, floors. Is disinfect ect.

kinzel3: @ Wermaus: So net just so evil, just wanted to express that Klorex is a disinfectant agent and bleaching is well suited. And if you want beautiful white window frames, then just try it.
Whether they are now disinfected or not plays no role, was also thought more for tiling and bathroom, if you refer to the same on the window, and just come over so nasty, then deny your comments and leave your frustration where else ,
I just meant well, take care ....

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