Clean the blender quickly and thoroughly

With this tip, a blender can be thoroughly and quickly cleaned:

My blender is much in use and as great as self-mixed always tastes, annoys me afterwards, the cleaning. Especially at the bottom of the cutting blades, you have to be careful that you do not hurt yourself. In addition, the lowest points are very difficult to reach and many times I have broken a sponge.

The easiest way is to fill the blender with hot water until half full and only a few drops of detergent. Then you turn it on for a few seconds, so that everything can be spread out well, if a bit dried out, just do it again.

The lower part and the cutting blades are then clean again, only once again wash well with water that no detergent residues remain behind and ready.

How to clean beauty blender 2018 | CLEAN IN 5 MINS! | May 2024