Awake: smallest "Einweckapparat"

I have discovered the kettle as the smallest Einweckapparat for me!

Get from my girlfriend (has garden) again and again small "single" amounts of fruits and vegetables: 5-8 pears, 3 beetroot tubers or 3-4 pounds of blackberries (gave a few jars of jam) - but just not all at the same time.

Eating up is not always possible. So "conserve"! But not everything can be frozen. That's why I've cleaned everything and perhaps steamed or blanched and hot filled into small glasses (nice full!), Lid on it - and "watered" in the kettle! A water-up time is enough! After a short cooling time, I just put it on the windowsill, then it makes sometime very soft "pop, pop, pop" (not all) and the covers have pulled their vacuum!

It really works! But it should be a kettle with closed heating system, d. H. no open heating spiral. Of course you could do that in small pots on the stove. But in the WK I certainly save even a bit on the power consumption.

... I am satisfied with the overall result.

AWAKE • Tiny Art Challenge • Watercolor Process | May 2024