Aphthae: Genesis and Treatment

A year ago I had a very great mental stress and meanwhile I ate a lot of (pure) apple peel. After that, I had the larynx lid full of apices.

Aphths were nothing new to me, I had constantly and a lot, but the amount and the place where they were, already.
I was admitted to the hospital with a hell of a sore throat and got acyclovir venous. After 2 days, my illness improved and I was allowed to go home.

Aciclovir is an antiviral drug and is prescribed for very severe herpes, but also helps against aphthae. But you should not shoot sparrows with a rifle if it is not necessary.

Afterwards I found out that possibly to my psyche, the apple peels were to blame. Allegedly on the apple peel is a "bacterium", which can not be rinsed off, and thus can cause aphthae. Since then, I peel my apples and have no more aphthae for a year. This is a miracle for me.

So my tip: peel apple or completely dispense and in case of heavy infestation, Acyclovir ... good luck to all those affected.

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