Against unpleasant-smelling fingers after fish processing

Since my husband often goes fishing and I process the fresh fish (preparations for smoking, baking or just for freezing), I know what "stinky fingers" mean!
Freshly caught fish has a certain odor and of course also cooked (does not smell unpleasant, just stubbornly on the fingers).

What helps 100%: Wash hands with COLD water, even without soap on the first pass and the smell is completely gone. Warm water distributes the odors further into the pores, cold water flushes them away. Does not work especially with garlic / onion odors on the hands ... at least not so 100% tig!

Was a tip from my aunt, this was a fishmonger!

What Does Human Flesh Taste Like? | Secrets of Everything | Brit Lab | May 2024